Thursday, March 5, 2015

Exclusive pics: Pro-military group protest against Punch, Daily Trust, Leadership newspapers

 Here are exclusive photos at the picketing of some media organizations by a civil society group called Citizens in Defence of the Integrity of Nigerian Military (CDINM) in Abuja today March 5th. The group said Punch, Leadership, Daily Trust and The Nation newspapers are hostile to the Nigerian military. See more photos and the letter they gave to the affected media houses after the cu

08175286969, 08026617788
The Editor-in-Chief
Daily Trust Newspapers
Utako District

Dear Sir,

We are a group of patriotic Nigerians that came together under the banner of CITIZENS IN DEFENCE OF THE INTEGROTY OF NIGERIAN MILITARY (CDINM). We have noted with disgust and total indignation, the continued hostility and anti-Nigerian military reports and commentary of your newspaper, the Daily Trust. As concerned Nigerians who daily monitor news and developments in the country, particularly the counter-terrorist operation in the north east, we are appalled to note that your newspaper has consistently reported the activities of our military in a manner that neither represent the truth or promote the course of our national security. 

We are here therefore to formally register our deep resentment over your editorial policy which seems to have allowed the primordial sentiments of ethnicity, religion politics or whatever interests to becloud your sense of nationalism even when reporting sensitive national security matters like the ongoing war against terror. Your consistent and unwarranted negative reportage of the military gives vent to parochialism and partisanship and has without doubt casted our gallant military in bad light while emboldening the terrorists and casting them in a toga of invincibility. 

A lot of us here are from the states mostly affected by the activities of the terrorists. We have lost relations and friends; our towns and communities are devastated, our people forced into refugee situation in their own country. Our interest therefore is to assist our military to end this scourge to enable us live our normal lives again. We do not need media reports that will aggravate the situation or embolden the terrorists and their accomplices. 

Our visit here today is essentially to add our voice of caution to those whose stock in trade is to willfully denigrate and ultimately destroy the only indispensable and unifying institution in our dear country to be mindful of the dangers and consequences of your perfidy and to remind you that Nigerian is greater than them. Please be reminded that we are not your enemies or protagonists; we are rather your loyal readers who are concerned about your unfair reports and commentary against our cherished military. Thank you as you make amends beginning from today.

Mallam Aliyu Ibrahim                                                       
(Co Convener)

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